1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Vitamin D Related/Nuclear Receptor
  3. Estrogen Receptor/ERR
  4. Estrogen Receptor/ERR Isoform
  5. Estrogen Receptor/ERR Inhibitor

Estrogen Receptor/ERR Inhibitor

Estrogen Receptor/ERR Inhibitors (71):

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity
  • HY-138642
    Inhibitor 99.60%
    Vepdegestrant (ARV-471) is an orally active PROTAC estrogen receptor degrader against breast cancer. Vepdegestrant is a hetero-bifunctional molecule that facilitates the interactions between estrogen receptor alpha and an intracellular E3 ligase complex. Vepdegestrant leads to the ubiquitylation and subsequent degradation of estrogen receptors via the proteasome. Vepdegestrant robustly degrades ER in ER-positive breast cancer cell lines with a half-maximal degradation concentration (DC50) of about 2 nM.
  • HY-19822
    Inhibitor 99.80%
    Elacestrant (RAD1901) is an orally available and selective estrogen receptor degrader (SERD) with IC50s of 48 and 870 nM for ERα and ERβ, respectively. Elacestrant also can inhibit growth of ER+ breast cancer cell lines in vitro and in vivo.
  • HY-14589
    Inhibitor 99.85%
    Chrysin is one of the most well known estrogen blockers.
  • HY-136255
    Inhibitor 98.04%
    Camizestrant (AZD-9833) is a potent and orally active estrogen receptor (ER) antagonist. Camizestrant is used for the study of ER+ HER2-advanced breast cancer.
  • HY-19822A
    Elacestrant dihydrochloride
    Inhibitor 99.72%
    Elacestrant (RAD1901) dihydrochloride is an orally available and selective estrogen receptor degrader (SERD) with IC50s of 48 and 870 nM for ERα and ERβ, respectively. Elacestrant dihydrochloride also can inhibit growth of ER+ breast cancer cell lines in vitro and in vivo.
  • HY-N2335
    Inhibitor 98.28%
    Coumestrol, a phytoestrogen present in soybean products, exhibits activities against cancers, neurological disorders, and autoimmune diseases. It suppresses proliferation of ES2 cells with an IC50 of 50 μM.
  • HY-128600
    Inhibitor 99.17%
    ERD-308 is a highly potent von Hippel-Lindau-based PROTAC degrader of estrogen receptor (ER) for ER positive breast cancer treatment. ERD-308 induces >95% of ER degradation at concentrations as low as 5 nM in both cell lines (DC50 (concentration causing 50% of protein degradation) of 0.17 nM and 0.43 nM in MCF-7 and T47D ER+ cells, respectively).
  • HY-15449
    Inhibitor 99.35%
    Kaempferide is an orally active flavonol isolated from Hippophae rhamnoides L. Kaempferide has anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antiobesity, antihypertensive, and neuroprotective activities. Kaempferide induces apoptosis. Kaempferide promotes osteogenesis through antioxidants and can be used in osteoporosis research.
  • HY-B1100
    Estradiol cypionate
    Inhibitor 99.67%
    Estradiol cypionate is the 17β-cypionate ester of Estradiol, which inhibits ET-1 synthesis by acting on estrogen receptors.
  • HY-12864
    Inhibitor 99.95%
    Brilanestrant (ARN-810; GDC-0810) is an orally bioavailable selective estrogen receptor degrader (SERD) with IC50 of 0.7 nM.
  • HY-111486
    Inhibitor 99.94%
    LSZ-102 is a potent, orally bioavailable selective estrogen receptor degrader with an IC50 of 0.2 nM.
  • HY-112100
    PROTAC ERα Degrader-5
    Inhibitor 98.96%
    PROTAC ERα Degrader-5 (compound LP2) consists an ADC linker and a PROTAC, whcih can be conjugated to an antibody to form PACs. PROTAC ERα Degrader-5 conjugated to an antibody is a more marked estrogen receptor-alpha (ERα) degrader compared to PROTAC (without Ab).
  • HY-12825
    Inhibitor ≥98.0%
    BHPI is a potent inhibitor of nuclear estrogen–ERα-regulated gene expression; elicits sustained ERα-dependent activation of the endoplasmic reticulum (EnR) stress sensor, the unfolded protein response (UPR), and persistent inhibition of protein synthesis.
  • HY-N1507
    Inhibitor 99.77%
    Tracheloside is an antiestrogenic lignin. Tracheloside promotes keratinocyte proliferation through ERK1/2 stimulation. Tracheloside is a good candidate to promote wound healing.
  • HY-18719A
    Endoxifen Z-isomer hydrochloride
    Inhibitor 99.67%
    Endoxifen Z-isomer hydrochloride is the most important Tamoxifen metabolite responsible for eliciting the anti-estrogenic effects of this drug in breast cancer cells expressing estrogen receptor-alpha (ERα).
  • HY-101405
    Inhibitor 99.69%
    Gestrinone (R2323) is a synthetic steroid hormone used to treat endometriosis. It inhibits leiomyoma cells with an IC50 of 43.67 μM. Gestrinone is a click chemistry reagent, it contains an Alkyne group and can undergo copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAc) with molecules containing Azide groups.
  • HY-18719
    Endoxifen (Z-isomer)
    Inhibitor 99.20%
    Endoxifen Z-isomer is the most important Tamoxifen metabolite, inducing an anti-estrogenic effect in breast cancer cells expressing ERα. Endoxifen Z-isomer inhibits hERG. This effect is concentration-dependent, with an IC50 value of 1.6 μM.
  • HY-N6710
    Inhibitor 99.63%
    α-Zearalenol is a Mycotoxin with high affinity for the estrogen receptors (ER), α-Zearalenol is the derivative of zearalenone (ZEN), causes reproductive disorders in animals, due to its xenoestrogenic effects.
  • HY-112098
    PROTAC ERα Degrader-1
    PROTAC ERα Degrader-1 comprises an ubiquitin E3 ligase binding group, a linker and a protein binding group. PROTAC ERα Degrader-1 extracts from patent WO2017201449A1, compound P1. PROTAC ERα Degrader-1 is an estrogen receptor-alpha (ERα) degrader.
  • HY-18719D
    Endoxifen (E-isomer)
    Inhibitor 98.02%
    Endoxifen E-isomer (E-Endoxifen), an E-isomer of Endoxifen, is an impurity in Endoxifen Z-isomer agent substance. Endoxifen E-isomer exhibits antiestrogenic effects.